Legacy Leadership Team

Bishop David L. &  Pastor Kathie Thomas

President & Vice President of Legacy, A Global Kingdom Alliance

Bishop David L. Thomas and Pastor Kathie Thomas were childhood sweethearts and have now been happily married since 1972. They are blessed to have two grown children and three amazing Grandchildren.
After meeting Jesus Christ as their Savior in the Jesus People Movement, David and Kathie took an obedient step of faith in 1974 leaving employment at General Motors and entering fulltime vocational ministry as Youth Pastors in Kinsman, Ohio.
In mid-2020 they officially retired from leading Victory Christian Center after forty-two years. By the grace of God, VCC grew from forty-six people in Coitsville, Ohio to VCC One Church, eight campuses in Eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania.
They now devote their time to helping leaders, churches and ministries launch, live, and leave a legacy through Legacy a Global Kingdom Alliance (Legacy Network). www.legacyhub.org
The Thomas’s are partners in life and ministry, operating in the apostolic and prophetic mantles upon their lives with their goal of being healthy servant leaders and enabling others to be as well. They are mentors and a spiritual Dad and Mom to many and live to give away all that The Lord by His grace has given them.
Bishop David L. Thomas has preached the good news of Christ in 26 nations, presided as President of Victory School of Ministry, Founder and leader of Next Level Leadership Network, President and co-founder of Legacy a Global Kingdom Alliance, a Founding Member of the John Maxwell Team, and serves on the board of several National and International Ministries.
Pastor Kathie Thomas has led thousands of women through “The Esther Experience” led revival services “The River” for over two decades, seeing tens of thousands experience a move of God, has been a featured guest on Christian TV, and is passionate in her pursuit of God’s Presence.
The core of the Thomas’s life-giving message is loving God completely, loving people unconditionally, and love life enthusiastically!

Doug Parker

Associate Pastor, Destiny Church | Chester, Virginia

Scott Ethridge

Pastor, The Healing Place | Shreveport, Louisiana

Jeff Hill

Pastor, Destiny Church | Chester, Virginia

Doug Reed

Pastor, The Tabernacle | Buffalo, New York

Mark Cuprik

Pastor, Mercy House Church | Lowellville, Ohio

Andrew Hedglin

Executive Pastor, New Life Church | Poland, Ohio

Debbie Esbenshade

Board Treasurer